Saturday, June 28, 2014

Amaya Complainer

This friendly message about players sitting out has been stock for years. What should be complained about is that despite all these turbo and hyper supposedly high speed games is that there is always at least one jackwipe that plays slooooooooowwwwww.

Yeah fucking right. You register for a game that requires you pay attention to it and universally the best option is to be a dick, time out and sit out.

I've shit out more believable stuff than this site has ever offered.

And this site was bought by Amaya for billions.

No real person buys into a free money game and sits out expecting to win some chips. Telling me that this strategy doesn't work is an insult to my intelligence.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Amaya Person That Has Been Here For Years

Not one, not two but three players from the United States with a Bronze Star. And gosh by jolly none of them has taken the time to personalize the account with a picture of the cute doggie, a screenshot from the favorite video game or anything remotely looking like they have actually spent a lot of time on the site.

Newsflash Amaya. You haven't posted anything about changing the rules. You inherited some rules that indirectly prove that there is a serious time commitment to get a Bronze Star.

A Bronze Star requires playing for real money and winning a lot. Real money play has been locked down in the US for ages. It's not like these positions have accepted their fate and need a poker fix and are willing to concede their previous dominance and simply play for free money. These positions get way above normal than average cards. They bet it. And they win.

And some assholes who know nothing about math buy a site with this player base. Which actually makes some kind of sense since math is obviously not important here.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Amaya Donk

In the purest form of Internet poker stupidity you are a "donk." Because typing donkey takes two extra key strokes. But since chat has been locked down for something like five years it really doesn't matter. What matters is that my opponents can do something I can't do.

It's comical that I post about how they log in with in their hand held devices and it magically disappears. And then I post about how idiots don't go all in when they can't possibly be competing with any serious thought and intelligence. My reward is this guy that thinks that not going all in, but leaving one chip behind is a game changer.

Not going all in and leaving one chip behind is the most idiotic donk play of all time. Yet some group of investors plopped down 5 billion dollars on this database.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Amaya Bad Investor or What?

This started off as an investigation simply focused on whether this was really the Russian flag (it is). Instead it turned out to be a presentation of several other problems with Internet poker in general and PokerStars, specifically. My mind is boggled at why anyone would drop 5 billion dollars to buy this sorry ass site.

27 player game. Naturally none of these idiots understands the definition of "turbo." In case you are reading, it basically means fast. Not like going without food, but speedy like a greased bunny. Although lack of food may be the reason that you are so slow. Lack of nutrition makes you laconic.

After the speed picks up, maybe because of Cleats complaining, we hit a bit of a speed bump. And that actually works pretty well as an intended pun. The game is slowed down by someone being disconnected. If I were a smart investor I'd want my asset that I purchase to have some decent functionality. Now the claim can be made, and it ALWAYS is that the player disconnected. Cat peed on the keyboard and such. You can't swing a dead cat, or at least a freshly peed cat in this town without someone on a multi-table game disconnecting.

The game continues into high blinds. Shortstacked Ryan saves 155 chips behind instead of going all in. Have to call bullshit on that. There is no fucking way you are going to make a miracle come back with 155 chips at this point. That's like two hands with these blinds.

Another disconnection. WTF???? This one reeked of, "It's a turbo game and I need more time to rig the hand."

From my investigations the typical anti Internet poker post is the result of one really bad beat or maybe extended to one bad night. This bullshit has been going on for more than twenty years. And a change in ownership isn't going to solve anything.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The PR and Marketing Problem with PokerStars

They are so inconsistent. Just like SeaWorld and Scientology the time spent on the Internet has no contiguous aura of making it look like you are doing everything possible to cover up mistakes you have made.

A few short months ago PokerStars paraded out that you could play the game from your mobile device. And strangely, or maybe not so strangely, the players that used to proudly appear with the cute little attachment to their avatar have disappeared.

I seriously doubt the Amaya buyout is the reason. It would take months to change the paramaters if this was a legit buyout. And from what I've seen of the crack PokerStars IT department in 20+ years - 10 mouse clicks to change the settings of the AI.

Amaya Confused?

Some bloke or blokette from Portugal has chosen the American Bald Eagle as their avatar. I doubt there's a single ABE in Portugal. It's just as bad as choosing the soccer flag for Mauritania when you are from Indonesia. Makes no sense.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Amaya Big Bad Ass or What?

Not only as a Chrome Star player wasting my time on free money tables I'm also a high roller that chooses to ignore the World Cup.

Any free money table a chrome starred player is sitting at is bullshit. Some are just more bullshiitier than others.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Amaya Missing Something

5 billion dollars buys you a site where a player registers for one single tourney that can't possibly start in a reasonable amount of time. This 180 player table isn't going anywhere for hours. Or maybe even days. BEHRCLAWS, love the caps lock. That's a classy way to introduce yourself to the world of Internet poker. Sitting at a 180 player table that isn't going to start. The only thing you're missing is a soccer ball avatar.

Friday, June 13, 2014

PokerStars Owners Bought Out!

There's something big going on in the realm of Internet poker. Investors are dropping damn near 5 billion dollars to acquire the rights to the biggest and baddest Internet poker site.

Normally real human beings invest in something they can expect to make a financial gain on. Amaya is buying into a site that doesn't even remotely have a speck of humanity in it. 5 billion dollars gets you a player base where the ultimate level - the Chrome Star decides that playing for an hour on a meaningless free money game is the thing to do. 5 billion gets you a player base where nobody talks to each other. They just raise irrationally. 5 billion dollars gets you the famous Miss Piggy incident that is so statistically unreal it boggles the mind. 5 billion dollars gets you a player base where sitting out is tactically a great option.

In my last twenty five years of life I've discovered that I really hate being lied to. Insult my intelligence and I get kinda feisty. Scientology PR is atrocious. SeaWorld PR is atrocious. Instead of a real, major corporate transaction this just reeks of Internet poker bad PR. The biggest mistake in the buy out article is the claim that maybe this change in ownership will let the US Justice Department let US players return to playing for free money.

Not on my watch. And I am watching you PS. Let's see if you do something stupid like mismatched soccer flags vs. your claimed country of origin. It's happened before, it will surely happen again.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Billionaire Club

Now that most of the world is not allowed to play for real money - because it's a scam - we have to put up with this free money nonsense.

The idea that somebody would dedicate their life to being a part of a billionaire free money club is insane.

I don't care how talented you are. There's no way you get a billion chips without breaking out the checkbook at some point in time. If you are a real person.

World Cup is coming up soon. Surely there will be some mismatched flag insanity.