Friday, January 18, 2013

PokerStars "Generosity" in the Wake of Being Exposed as a Fraud

This is lamer than lame. It's lamilecious. Lametastic. Lamifical. Lambedakappaphi.

My how generous of you. There aren't any silly upgrades like players on a huge wait list who don't just post "Sit Out" in chat. That message is shown on the avatar. The IT guys can take a break on this. Nobody at the table notices. And nobody notices that the 'cool' way to play is to use huge amounts of time including huge unsportsmanlike time bank usage.

I've noticed that stuffage (real word) and I'm proud to announce the fix is in place!

Did I mention the sarcasm?

Normal speed and fast speed tables are being merged into a single game speed. These players that were perfectly content to join a fast table where you don't have to worry about posting a single character of chat have now merged with their slower brothers and cisterns to average out the cosmic balance.

Personally, when I get cheated it, doesn't matter whether it's a fast table or one that pretends to be a table that might a have some minutiae that to the untrained eye makes it look like maybe you sat at a table full of real people.

Your useless 'upgrade' makes absolutely no fucking sense.

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