Sunday, September 9, 2012

A New Game Will Start in 10 Seconds

That was the longest 10 seconds of my life. Or I'm Doctor Who and never realized it.

The basics of the chat are blue is a player, ugly brown is a moderator and black is PokerStars. The site, PokerStars, declares that a new game will start in 10 seconds. Which turns out to be more than 15 minutes.

An unrealistic option is that PokerStars has turned over temporary control to a player. And in this case it looks like that player is an idiot. I'm not a texting expert, but "BRB PLZ" (notice the caps lock?) means "Be right back please" and makes no fucking sense.

So I thought that maybe the site was down for some seriously needed upgrades and I accidentally stumble into another rage table. Lots of active bullshit chat there. And four players are on the waiting list. For a game that's designed to end when a certain number of hands are played or a number of chips playing mindlessly all in are acquired.

I used to just complain about the player chat, but here we have a serious issue of the biggest poker site having serious flaws in the software. Or they are willing to let a moron take the reigns.

Or it's just a big database chugging away towards 100 billion hands.

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