Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Beggar

I did not find a hun tonight. Despite significant time in the red light district. My heart skipped a beat for a second when someone meant to say 'hmm' and posted 'hum' instead. Attila is taking a night off. But my travels lead me to three separate chat issues to blog about tonight.

This nonsense about begging for chips is a fairly recent invention. I never saw it before his year. It's just another low maintenance excuse to pre-record some chat that on the surface looks like it might make sense. There's someone at the table with a huge stack. Idiot goes all in and loses. Then pretends to be out of chips and begs for more. Starts with the big stack, naturally. Certainly someone with a million at the table can afford enough for the table minimum.

Technically against the rules but someone has to complain to the moderator about it.

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