Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pokerstars Gracious 10 Seconds to Get Your Shit Together

Years ago PS used to make you wait for a table to fill, then when it finally did fill you were greeted with a friendly message that the game would start in less than two minutes. Then after a major upgrade (sarcasm) it switched to one minute. Now you have ten seconds to get your shit together.

The two minute warning was reasonable. A chance to grab a cold and refreshing adult beverage from the fridge. Take a pee break. Start cooking dinner on the Foreman grill. Start warming up the placekicker for the game winning field goal.

In the last decade+ PokerStars hasn't made any rule changes that would enhance the experience for a real human. Instead the focus is on silencing the critics by doing stupid shit like locking down and preventing observer chat.

The three most thankless jobs:

1) PR spokesperson for Internet poker
2) PR spokesperson for Scientology
3) PR spokesperson for SeaWorld

Trying to explain obvious bullshit.

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