Now get this. PokerFrauds opened their HQ up to a Wall Street journalist. PokerFrauds disputes the US Justice Department action on shutting them down. Oh you crybabies, it's a game of skill, not slot machine style luck. We're about to deal our 100 billionth hand. And our headquarters is stuck in a tiny rock in the Irish Sea where nobody can touch me.
Poker is a game of skill. But this isn't an excuse to open up the Internet to the fraud. Look at these screen shots. I can duplicate this virtually every day. Some dumb ass has managed to get a million chips and there's no calculated betting strategy. Slow play, drag the suckers in. Nah, doesn't happen. All in despite the fact that betting 500k puts any over your opposition all in if they are stupid enough to call. This is an AI bet. And PokerFrauds entire history of leading up to 100 billion hands has been a piece of software that has AI chugging away at playing other AI and recording these as real hands by people playing against people.
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