Every once in awhile I'm met with a friendly message that there is an upgrade to load on to my PC. Usually it's a change in the global mindset from mindless all in raising to something that almost resembles real poker. And back and forth.
I've been doing this for a long time and I've acquired a set of skills that make me PokerStars worst nightmare. This is a result of purposefully trying to lose. Which was actually harder than I thought it would be.
Yup. You got that right. Tried to lose. Just like the ridiculous AI tries to lose at times. I did't just try to lose, I succeeded. Because it serves my purpose.
So when you lose all your chippies PokerStars gives you more. This free money automatic add in is going to cause a huge bubble in the free money economy. Free money strippers need free money dollars stuffed into their free money thongs. Free money fast food cashiers need the money because the free money minimum wage is too low.
It's fucking insane that within a week or so that PokerFrauds changes the loser chip add from 999 to 1,000. And right after I whined about 999 being bogus.
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