Of all the the stupid things PokerStars has done in the past two decades this rates really high on the chart. These are supposedly real people playing for supposedly real money on a supposedly table with a supposedly minimum of supposedly $10. And yet the supposedly actual bet is supposedly $1.50.
If you are a real person playing here this should just scream out
But AI doesn't care.
Am I supposedly to think that it's supposedly cool that I only have to supposedly bet $1.50 instead of a supposed $10? If I were a supposed real person I would supposedly be offended that the supposed payoff on the supposed hand was less than it supposedly should have been because the supposed biggest and poker best site on the Internet can't follow simple math a four year old understands.
"Mommy, can I have $1.50 for an ice cream cone?" "No way, that's too much. Here's $10. It's all the same in the bizarre world of Internet poker."
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