Sunday, April 14, 2013

Leo Margets Needs New Glasses

Leo has this hot librarian thing going on. Men do make passes at girls with big asses girls who wear glasses.

So for today's first lesson. Leo, trailer doll, seminal vesicle, puberty fantasy, tactical nuclear rubdown. Think about this. You are endorsing a site that has someone that picked a screen name that indicates that they will cheat. Not too surprising since Pustule is a screen name some numb nuts decided that they really wanted to be known as.

Put your thinking cap on hun. This is a high end buy in table. And the guy that chose a name indicating cheating has way more than the starter stack. What is the purpose of naming yourself a cheater ON FREE MONEY TABLES. Why would you cheat on free money tables? And if you're going to cheat on free money tables wouldn't it be better to name yourself danny3472?

The odds that someone deliberately named themselves Pustule is somewhere around zero. The odds that someone named themselves about cheating that thinks the game play is for real, and maybe wants to get an edge on free money tables is about zero.

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