What, pray tell, is no mans felt? More commonly known as no mans land indicating a deserted, barren wilderness area. But on PokerStars its the felt of the table. Chips clinking on wood or ceramic are noisy. So comfy felt is put down. Very convenient for the slow play here. I'm so bored I think I might take a nap. Or maybe that's just because I had two more flashy avatars telling me to sit out.
Historians have also recorded that "No man's felt" is the first part of the common phrase ending with "an ugly lesbian."
The crack team of programmers that PokerStars has (them and their dogs) has decided that the appropriate spot on the table to post a small blind when a sitter rejoins and has to post big and small blinds is way out there in no mans felt. Really? You couldn't figure out how to code the graphics to show a $300 bet right in front of the player and the extra $100 small blind is out in no mans felt? Ugly lesbians are insulted.
And once I finally got a seat I sat out for two full deals. Real poker would make me post all the blinds I missed, not just one deal around the table. But programming this would cost far too much.
Operation Waitlist has a lot of advantages going for it. It either proves that some jackwipe was willing to wait hours before playing a hand, or in this case that suddenly the table everyone thought was cool suddenly becomes uncool. When I first joined Randy449 was ahead of me on the wait list. He nuked it and ended up being behind me on the list.
And other than some goodbyes early on, out of the blue felt (because green felt is an endangered species) we have a solitary Portugese comment that translates to "I will leave this table." Fine ugly lesbian bitch. Leave. You weren't responding to any chat that was out there. Nobody cares.
Too early and not tired. Time to mess with Hotel for Dogs. If he/she/it is logged in.
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