I had way too much fun with Operation New Table this weekend. The overreaction about not being the first at the table and declaring it AIOF or RAGE is just insanely. Naturally since my brain is not normal I don't feel the need to do it again immediately. Even though I'm sure the results will be the same for awhile.
So, since I didn't play much real poker for a 2 and 1/2 day weekend, yesterday was a catch up by playing a real game, which was surprisingly non-cheaty. Also surprising is that spell check tells me cheaty is not a real word, when everyone knows it is. So before I deconstruct that latest Operation Wait List effort I offer this.
If you miss three postings of big blinds you are deleted from the table. I'm pretty sure luisilva missed a lot more than that. I can't prove that with these screen shots. But it is something I can investigate. Like the breaking the time bank rules or betting 12,345 without going all in that mere mortals aren't allowed to do. Not being removed from the table after missing three big blinds.
I already know how to prove it. So PS be forewarned.
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