We start this table fairly innocuosly. Just more proof that this nonsense about a player using their avatar to flash a message to Sit Out when if there was a legit reason to sit out an obvious PokerStars moderator should be making that demand. Seriously? Why would you even let me join the wait list in the first place if this was some kind of private table?
As I go through the timeline pay attention to the lower right and upper left positions. (Seats two and six, since we all know that the seats are numbered!)
6:40pm - I establish myself as the 32nd player on the wait list. Let the games begin!! How long is someone reasonably going to wait for a seat to open up at this table, when there are an abundance of tables with seats immediateley open?
6:45pm - a little bit of non-English chat that makes some sense as I translate it to basically meaning that timelin worships Grillo as a poker god. Why yes, that is an impressive stack and surely hasn't been obtained without some kind of cheating/non-random cards going on.
6:52pm - Upper left. We gotses (real word) a new player in town. Someone with the legal, but ill advised buy in of less than the maximum.
6:55pm - Warning Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! New player in the lower right....errrr... I mean seat #2. An even less buy in than the ill advised 16k buy in.
Now take a minute. No, actually, I'm not going to insult your intelligence and suggest you haven't figured it out. It relates to the 6:52 post. So take ten seconds. There is a Big Laydown t-shirt on the line here.
And by the way at this point metralha has already lost it all and rebought in for another 16k.
6:56pm - metralhas has lost it all again and bought back in at 16k. Let me get out my abacus. 16 x 3, eighteen, carry the one. Oh my that's 48k. Probably would have made more sense to buy in at the max 40k the first time if you had the chips. And mister lower right of the screen has smartened up and loaded up to 40k.
7:00pm - metralha sweeps high hand with the nuts flush. Bet you wish you had 40k at the table instead of an AI registration style 16k.
7:14pm - metralhas has now bought in with the ultra crazy ill advised amount of 8k after losing again! He's having one bad night!
7:15pm - metragod(can I call you that?) loses again and finally buys in at 40k. But warning. There's a new player to your immediate left. And that player's name is Quim. And with PokerStars being terribly concerned about the integrity of the game and their precious site, this position surely can't exist because they wouldn't allow someone to register with that name. It's an archaic vulgarism that basically means cunt. (Note to PokerStars - this is obviously way sarcastic, but my vocabulary, as well as my math, are WAAAAAYYYY through the roof.)
So surely metragod is being punished for posting naughty words in chat. Like quim.
7:18pm - And there it is again. The cunt that previously had the pretty picture of a flower now is demanding people to sit out by flashing their avatar to say that. Happened twice; only got one screen shot.
7:19pm - But that's OK, because I knew in seconds it would switch back to the flower. The point is that there's no way that this position could show the pretty flower, burn through the huge wait list and show Sit out, and burn through the huge wait list again to show the pretty flower.
7:28pm - Different table, but it still proves the point. You can't buy in or rebuy at 12k or 8k. Unless you're AI or admin. I tested and it did let me buy in at 15k. I'm not sure what the exact cut off is. But this sure makes me glad I figured out long ago that I wasn't going to put real money down on this rigged shit happens where a site, indeed the biggest site, can't follow their own rules.