PokerStars has a horde of chat problems and it's my favorite thing to bust on. Conversations that don't make sense. Play for two hours at a sit and go and nobody even posts a simple 'nh.' Someone able to post the word 'dick' in chat even though it's on the naughty list and shows up as **** when a mere mortal posts it.
And let's talk about that last one a second. A bit ago PokerStars added the upgrade to allow emoticons in chat. If you Google something like "How do I add emoticons to" the auto guess feature doesn't bring back any suggestions to a program that adds emoticons in general. It wants you to make it be on Twitter or some existing program. If you extend it to "How do I add emoticons to chat in PokerStars" it doesn't do mmuch but show the screen I've captured here with the proud announcement that the feature has been added to chat with their emoticons they've added for your chatting pleasure.
Personally I think the emoticons are a disguise so that non-English speaking admins can easier add a tiny bit of value to chat. Why get the chance to post, "Boy howdie won did last hand I!" when you can post a smiley face that says it all? And as our friend that posted 'suck my dick' years ago in chat, that was surely for my benefit, there are people that have capabilities that I don't have that supposedly have the same set of capabilities that I have.
So here we have some dumbass admin posting a shark emoticon in chat when it's clearly not in the available set.
If they can cheat in chat it's not too far of a stretch that they can cheat with the cards.
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