I would have preferred a table full of racers/ragers/turbo gutzers (oh yeah, that's always with a 'z' instead of an 's.') But I'll settle for finding my least favorite word in the human and inhuman language. Hun.
Considering that this was overused more than 15 years ago on Absolute and here it is still popping up with alarming regularity I will vent.
Seriously, I had been logged in less than five minutes and I found a hunner. This little game of posting meaningless chat to make it look for real has the opposite effect. Being the generous soul that I am I have posted the Wikipedia page of terms of endearment. Honey has made the list, but their ain't no hun there. Frankly, if it was going to be abbreviated it would more likely be abbreviated to hon.
PokerStars chat is either
1) Non-existent
2) Insipid with no indication that there is any real conversation like our hunners.
3) Or as with this last weekend downright insane an making absoultely no sense.
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