As long as you keep setting the volleyball, I'll keep spiking it. Operation Wait List is designed to purposefully join a huge wait list and have some position eventually flash "Sit Out" with their avatar. Which I confess I really don't know what it means. Am I supposed to Sit out? Is everyone other than me supposed to sit out? And this comes at an inconvenient time since Operation Stupid Chat is still ago. Both of these require time, and I can't be everywhere at once.
Which is part of the point since if I can't be everywhere at once, how do so many tables show tables with people being everywhere at once.
6:02pm - Again, I'm 32nd on the wait list. Two players with over a million. Very leisurely pace. Not aggressive. Kind of doesn't support the idea that two players would have enough time to garner that number of Jennifers (our new name for chips at free money tables - Jennifer Garner, get it?) We've got two positions with similar names. Both from France. Probably supposed to be at least friends, maybe siblings or maybe even the same person. For the first hour the lack of chat produced two thumbs up emoticons from Gialang.
6:13pm - Not a dent in the wait list. Yes, the casual player that accidentally tried this table has surely gotten bored and found an alternate by now.
6:25pm - Tiny dent in the wait list. Huge use of time thinking ny multiple positions and one of Gia's thumbs uppers.
6:32pm - Tiny dent in the wait list. At this pace I'll be in bed before I'll ever get a seat at this table. And this is the typical pattern in the five of six successes. Snails pace. Then a huge amount of activity that basically translates to, "Sorry I joined this wait list. Have a nice night."
6:33pm - sudstud!!! I've seen you before! Surely there will be some action now that compares to the WSOP victory this morning! But, why are you sitting out?
6:44pm - Suddsy is gone. Damn.
6:50pm - Tuga has joined. I shouldn't do this since there are only three Big Laydown T-shirts left. But, I do think we know what's wrong with this. Figure it out in the next thirty seconds.
6:50pm - Tuga has smartened up and added to the max 40k.
6:52pm - Wow. Tuga took over one of the berkane twins positions. Wouldn't it be more normal to have both of them call it a night at the same time?
6:55pm - Now go back to the 6:52 shot and look at PokerStars dialogue in the chat. Tuga has lost a hand and instantly rebought back in at 40k. Oh, I get it! You have rebuy set to automatically go back in with the max, but when you first sit at the table you buy in with an illegal lesser than the minimum amount. I purposefully avoid an F-bomb because it makes no fucking sense to point out that this makes no fucking sense in regards to real human nature.
6:57pm - Someone on the wait list joined long enough to say good night. Good night to you, sir. Because the thought that you waited an hour on the wait list to post this to your friends leads me to another not posting an F-bomb comment because it would be rude about this making no fucking sense.
7:01pm - Ah. The ever lovable game changing bet of leaving yourself one chip. Because that's a game changer. You will be able to sit at the next hand and start working on your chip empire without having to add chips. And this is serious math. If you go all in with one chip starting and win 64 hands in a row you will have 18 quintillion chips if you win everyone of them. Surely winning 64 hands of all in against eight opponents happens all the time. Otherwise I might be tempted to think that this makes no fucking sense. Regardless of the possible fact that a real human may not even be allowed to make a weird bet like that.
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