When I used to waste my time on huge multi-table games that took hours there would be breaks once an hour. Take a pee break, maybe wolf down a quick sandwich. Give the significant other (the dog) some affection. Way too often within the first few hands back I would get a hand like a pat flush on 5 card draw and lose to four of a kind.
These things can't be proven, but it sure looks a helluva lot the admins had time to rig some hands during the break. And as annoying as I am I'm certainly a prime target.
I feel the same way about the time bank. After two good hands losing to awesome hands after massive time bank usage I was smart enough in seven stud to instantly fold AA9 and avoid a bad beat.
The other admin trick is the disconnect time bonus. Somebody with a 2400 baud modem has apparently disconnected and is generously given extra time to get back in the game. More time for the admins to fix the hand the way they want it to be.
This speculation, although backed up by multiple experiences isn't the real problem. The problem is the site's inconsistency in applying its own rules. A couple of nights ago some was given 240 seconds to reconnect. And this poor chump only gets sixty seconds.
The next time someone gets four minutes you can believe that I'll be talking about it here.
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